EMT Pants and What to Bring to your First Shift

Your first shift as an EMT is terrifying. Walking into a world of split second decisions, stressful situations, and sometimes even life or death can be incredibly intimidating. Luckily, there are a few tips and tricks that will help make your first day in the box manageable.

First, let's talk about pants. EMT pants are one of the most essential things to nail down before your first shift. You'll be in these things anywhere from 12-48 hours, so make sure you pick a pair that will hold up. I personally rock the 5-11 Tac light pants and always have. They're incredibly comfortable on me, and are also water/fluids proof. This last part is incredibly important as you never know what bodily substance may end up on you. With your pants I'd also recommend a sturdy belt. I prefer one thats Velcro as it makes adjusting it easy on the fly. Ultimately, which ever style of pant you decide to go with, I would advise to make sure they're fluid proof and that they fit comfortably.

Now that we have some pants, it's time to talk about what to bring with you for your first shift. Regardless of if you're posting (moving around in the ambulance all shift) or stationed at a base, your packing list should be almost the same. For a 12 hour shift, I would recommend packing snacks, dinner/breakfast/lunch, phone charger, ATLEAST 2 pens, small notebook, and of course a bag to put this all in. These few things are really the only pieces of equipment you need for a shift. I see a lot of brand new EMT's bringing insane amounts of equipment with them too their first shift. In reality, everything you need to do your job is located inside the ambulance. Everything that you bring to work from home should be there to make the shift more comfortable or easier.

My final advice for your first shift is to be early, has a positive attitude, and be excited! EMS is an incredible career, and you should be thrilled to be in a position to help others.


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