Why Excercise is Necessary for Diabetics

Exercise is important. This seems like a no-brainer but I think a deep complexity exists here. Exercise is important to me personally for a variety of reasons. As a diabetic, exercise is quite frankly a necessary part of my life. The reason for this is the blood sugar and vascular benefit. Working out helps maintain blood sugar. Staying in shape also regulates my sugar in the long run, meaning the more in shape I am, the more my blood sugar stays controlled. Over time, diabetes can wreck having on the vascular system. This is due too the increase of sugar in the blood stream. Exercising keeps your vasculature working and healthy, hopefully reducing some of the long term effects of diabetes.

As a firefighter, exercise is necessary for my job. Being in shape allows me to accomplish the tasks that must be done. Often times it's a matter of seconds when a rescue can be made or a fire contained. Being in shape gives me the confidence that I can perform to a professional level each time the bell goes off. The job itself is often times very physical as well. This means that I often times get exercise out of working, but also that I need to continue to stay in shape and take care of my body. A physical job means more potential for injury.

Finally, exercise is necessary for maintaining a positive head space and taking care of my mental health. Through exercise I can release stress that has built up of the day or week in a positive manner. The repetitive motions of a workout allow me to stay focused on just my workout and let go of everything else. I get a positive boost too my mood while also taking care of my body.

Recently, I've started practicing Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. This has been one of the best decisions I have ever made, and the level of workout I get is second to none. BJJ is both a mental and physical game. I cannot win by just physically dominating or by thinking of a better move with no execution. This sport scratches such a specific itch for me that I think everyone should experience.

So in conclusion, exercise is sort of the glue that holds different facets of my life together. While my world does not revolve around exercise, I find that exercise improves everything about my world.


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