5 Must Have Snacks for Diabetic Hiking

I love to hike and I love to snack. Luckily, these two things combine when ever I go into the mountains. Living in both the Adirondacks and Rocky mountains has been incredible and afforded me ample opportunity to explore the outdoors. However, it took me a few trys to nail down what I needed to snack on in order to keep those dreaded lows away while on the trail.

Snack One: Cliff Bars

This is a no-brainer for me. Every-time I go for a hike or a run I always bring along a Cliff bar or two. These puppies have enough carbs too keep away lows while also not being loaded with sugar. Cliff bars have multiple flavors (I personally enjoy their Cool Mint Chocolate) and they actually taste like what the package says! The price point is perfect, and with availability almost everywhere you can't go wrong with buying a box or two. One of my tricks is too keep a few Cliff Bars in my car, that way I always have an extra just in case.

Snack 2: Trail Mix

Maybe a bit of a cop-out, but trail mix has always been a go to snack for hiking adventures. Trail mix tastes wonderful right out of the gate. It's also super customizable with the option to add any granola, chocolate, and fruit that you want. Personally, I'm a big fan of M&M's with some dried mango's added in. Trail mix also packs a solid carbohydrate count with lower fast acting sugars. This means that you can snack as you go without the fear of spiking your BG and then crashing. Trail mix is also super affordable, and can be even more economic if you're down with building your own mix. All in all, trail mix is a fantastic add on to any adventuring back pack.

Snack 3: Gummies

Well I know I left this snack up to some interpretation, the type of snack is really the star of the show. Gummies, meaning fruit snacks, fruit sticks, or whatever type of fruit snack esque thing you can think of, is a necessary part of my adventuring backpack! The benefits of gummies include quick acting sugar for when you need it, packed into an easily consumable pouch. I am also a huge fan of being able to purchase a giant box of gummies and have an almost constant supply of the snack. I'll usually toss a handful of these snacks into my back pack and maybe a few in my pocket. What's also great about gummies is their variety. Personally I go with Welch's or something similar as I like the taste and the amount of carbs they provide.

Snack 4: Nature Valley Bars

Nature Valley granola bars are a staple of hiking. With great taste, carb count, and availability you can't go wrong with including these on your go-to snack list. I am a hugeeeeee fan of anything Nature Valley, but their OG granola bars have always been there for me and they still taste amazing! Honestly there's no reason to not have these as a part of your adventure bag.

Snack 5: Cliff Energy Bloks

I know, I know, another Cliff product. But these energy bloks are just too incredible not too include! With incredible flavors and a great carb count, these little guys have the perfect amount of energy thrown into bite sized chewables. Some of the Cliff Energy Bloks also have caffeine infused into them, providing you with an extra jolt when necessary. I've found that their Strawberry flavor is the best and is incredibly tasty. You cannot go wrong with including Cliff energy Bloks in your travel pack.


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