Spooky Season EMS Style

Halloween is one of my personal favorite holidays. I love the candy, scary movies, and weather. While working as an EMT in college, Halloween was always one of my favorite times to work. There's something spooky about working Halloween or Halloween weekend.

EMT's are the superstitious type. We believe in the power of a full moon and the damning nature of the Q word. In my mind, working on Halloween amplified all of that superstition into a fun filled night.

In college, the weekends before and after Halloween were always spooky themed. Parties were held all over campus with everyone dressing up for the occasion. For entertainment, my crew and I would park near the freshman dorms just to watch the gaggles of first years walk towards frat row. It was always fun to see how creative people got with costumes.

One of the more hilarious side effects of Halloween and the festivities surrounding it was the costumes. I never want to see someone get sick or injured, but the reality is that these things happen and I love that I have the knowledge to help them. But. There is something hilarious about helping a college freshman while she's wearing a nurse costume. Getting thrown up is never ideal, but if your patient is dressed up as a football player or lumber jack it atleast makes it more entertaining.

Honestly, some of my favorite EMS college memories are from working on holidays. I remember that the team morale and just overall happiness was very high. My advice to all those fresh collegiate EMTs; work the Halloween shift.


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