Mentors Matter!

EMS Mentors

In true holiday fashion I think it’s important to give thanks to those who have guided me throughout my EMS journey. I’ve been incredibly lucky, and have had access to mentors who supported, challenged, and most importantly believe in me. Without them there is no doubt I wouldn’t have found success. Although it sounds corny, I attribute every save or good call I have experienced to those who took the time to guide me and deal with my often times annoying or dumb questions/decisions. I remember working an MCI in college where a few students over dosed on fentanyl. It was my second time serving as IC and I was terrified. Realistically I was in way over my head and struggling to keep afloat. Luckily, my crew on duty was full of all-stars, studs who not only worked every call that night, but also ensured we had no fatalities. My mentor worked for the local FD and we decided to catch up about that evenings events a few days later, he was also on scene during that MCI and served as a huge source of relief. He joked that he must have taught me well and was a damn good teacher. I couldn’t agree more.
The reality of that event is that my mentor was the main reason I feel that night went so well. Sure, I had been doing EMS for a hot minute by this point, and I definitely owe a huge amount of gratitude to the duty crew. But I was able to lead that evening because of what my mentor taught me.
In EMS we have a horrible trend of eating our young. Old medics chastise and berate young medics who eventually become old medic; the cycle repeats itself. This may be surprising, but mentors matter.
So this holiday season, remember your mentors. Remember those who helped you out, wether it was teaching you everything you know, or simply buying you a soda at the gas station between calls. Look for those opportunities to be the mentor you either had, or needed when you were younger! Again, mentors matter!!


Diabetics CAN do Jiu Jitsu!

