
This whole Covid thing is continuing to ruin 2021 and looks as though it’ll mess up a good chunk of 2022 as well. Health care in the United States is at a breaking, if not already broken, point. As a diabetic I feel this strange relationship with Covid and my job in medicine. On one hand Covid is killing diabetics. It doesn’t only kill diabetics obviously, but diabetics do have an increased risk of death due to co-morbidities. As a diabetic myself, this is not great news. As an emt and someone who cares deeply about emergency medicine, I also feel like I need to be working during this time despite the risks. I mean, we are quite literally in the midst of a pandemic with no end in sight. Every one is strained for resources, both physical and emotional.
The emotional stress is what is truly destroying healthcare in the U.S. The nurses, medics, doctors, and emts that I know personally have all left healthcare due to the overwhelming emotional toll this pandemic has taken. Sure, there are factors that are not explicitly emotional, but they all drive an emotional response. Lack of pay leads to healthcare professionals feeling undervalued and downright insulted. Lack of resources makes healthcare professionals feel powerless. What’s worse is that this cycle of low resources, morale, and man power leads to a seemingly never ending cycle of detriment. Lack of man power causes downright dangerous staffing situations which leads to even more people leaving healthcare. Not exactly a great thing.
On the flip side, I believe we are at a historical time for healthcare professionals. Today’s workers will be seen as heroes in the future. This is my hope at least, ems professionals have sacrificed so much over these past two years. Hopefully they can at least get a free coffee somewhere.


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