Finally a Nurse

I am finally a nurse.

Well, I still have to pass the NCLEX, but I suppose I am officially the recipient of a BSN which has to count for something. Obviously, I’m incredibly thankful to be done with this experience. This does not mean it was a bad experience. On the contrary, I loved school. Learning is such an interesting process and I am glad to have spent the last 11 months fully immersed in learning medicine. However, school was all consuming, leading to necessary sacrifices in enjoying some of my hobbies.

This sacrifice was worth it. I have a job lined up in an ICU which I cannot wait to start. I was able to celebrate my graduation with friends and family. Nursing is an incredible career with limitless opportunity. This opportunity carries over to the EMS world and I cannot wait to step back into my role as a pre-hospital provider.

Finally, I hope to write more. I found it incredibly difficult to write during school. Everything was just so chaotic and spur of the moment that anytime I tried to write it either felt like word vomit or incredibly uninspired. I hope to see you all here!


Homes, Memories, Holidays


Compassion Fatigue in Hospital/Pre-Hospital Providers