I Think This Blog Will Help Others

I think this blog will help others. I know, this is a bold claim but hear me out. I'm writing this blog to help people who are similar to me. At eight years old I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. This disease changed my experience, and outlook on life. With this disease I have still been able to live a fairly normal-ish life. About as normal a life anyone can live when dealing with type 1 Diabetes. Even thought this disease sucks, I have still been able to work as a firefighter/EMT/ER Tech/Dispatcher, all while maintaining a decent enough social life and graduating from college! In this blog I hope to write about my experiences as a Diabetic, both within emergency services and every day, normal life. I also hope to write about my experiences as a first responder, hopefully giving those outside of the job a view into our everyday norm.

Most importantly, I hope this blog will inspire young kids who have aspirations of working in emergency services even with type 1 Diabetes. When I was younger, I didn't have anyone too look up to who was Diabetic. Sure, there were a handful of famous actors and musicians (looking at you Nick Jonas) but there wasn't anyone "normal" who I could relate too. I'm hoping that with this blog that anyone with type 1 Diabetes can be inspired by my posts, or be educated from one of my experiences. Diabetes can be incredibly challenging to live with, but hopefully this blog can make it a bit more manageable.


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